The memory of what I had seen at that party was with me for a very long time. Patrick's appearance at the party evoked some compelling thoughts inside my own young head. It was like a key that fitted and opened a certain lock which no other key had ever turned. Even on the night of the costume party my initial wonderment at Patrick's appearance had turned gradually to an envy I could not readily identify or understand at the time. Nevertheless a desire was born that night and it came upon me later with fierce intensity. And there was an immediate impulse as well

The next day I timidly asked mother if it would be all right to wear some of my sister's clothes out trick or treating on Halloween night. Her answer was an emphatic no and I knew she meant it. Less than a week later I went to Ellen's room in secret and tried on a dress. That was my beginning as a girl. Like Patrick, I too was a transvestite.



It was mentioned in No. 70 in the Editorial Emanations section but now I want to make it clearer with a special statement From now on if you wish information, questions answered, or other types of com- munication from Mary or myself please do the following or we will just be forced to ignore your letter as the press is just too great to handle.

1) Phrase your question clearly and to the point so that it can simply be answered yes or no; a date given; a price or whatever and not a long explanation. It may require more than one question to give you all the information you require, that is O.K. but make it easy on our time or of necessity it will find its way into the round file. Put the questions on a card or letter so we can just fill in the blanks with the data and return. Of course if it requires a longer letter of explanation we will read it, but boil the final questions down, please.

2) Provide a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Postage along with printing, paper, mailing envelopes, etc. goes up continuously and postage costs are very high. Correspondence simply won't be answered unless you provide the return postage. Sorry, but that's inflation and it's hit Chevalier just the same as everyone else.

